Database Setup#


You must have a properly configured Postgres installation for this to work. If you have a fresh install of Postgres on Ubuntu then you may want to configure the postgres user password to complete the postgres setup

Install PostgreSQL#

Please refer to the PostgreSQL documentation on how to install and configure it.

Create Database#

If you have existing Postgres authentication:

createdb datacube

or specify connection details manually:

createdb -h <hostname> -U <username> datacube


You can also delete the database by running dropdb datacube. This step is not reversible.

Create Configuration File#

Datacube looks for a configuration file in ~/.datacube.conf or in the location specified by the DATACUBE_CONFIG_PATH environment variable. The file has this format:

# One config file may contain multiple named sections providing multiple configuration environments.
# The section named "datacube" (or "default") is used if no environment is specified.

# index_driver is optional and defaults to "default" (the default Postgres index driver)
index_driver: default

# The remaining configuration entries are for the default Postgres index driver and
# may not apply to other index drivers.
db_database: datacube

# A blank host will use a local socket. Specify a hostname (such as localhost) to use TCP.

# Port is optional. The default port is 5432.
# db_port:

# Credentials are optional: you might have other Postgres authentication configured.
# The default username otherwise is the current user id.
# db_username:
# db_password:

# A "test" environment that accesses a separate test database.
index_driver: default
db_database: datacube_test

# A "null" environment for working with no index.
index_driver: null

# A local non-persistent in-memory index.
#   Compatible with the default index driver, but resides purely in memory with no persistent database.
#   Note that each new invocation will receive a new, empty index.
index_driver: memory

Uncomment and fill in lines as required.

Alternately, you can configure the ODC connection to Postgres using environment variables:


To configure a database as a single connection url instead of individual environment variables:

export DATACUBE_DB_URL=postgresql://[username]:[password]@[hostname]:[port]/[database]

Alternatively, for password-less access to a database on localhost:

export DATACUBE_DB_URL=postgresql:///[database]

Further information on database configuration can be found here. Although the enhancement proposal details incoming changes in v1.9 and beyond, it should largely be compatible with the current behaviour, barring a few obscure corner cases.

The desired environment can be specified:

  1. in code, with the env argument to the datacube.Datacube constructor;

  2. with the -E option to the command line ui;

  3. with the $DATACUBE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable.

Initialise the Database Schema#

The datacube system init tool can create and populate the Data Cube database schema

datacube -v system init

datacube system#

Initialise the database

datacube system [OPTIONS]


--default-types, --no-default-types#

Add default types? (default: true)

--init-users, --no-init-users#

Include user roles and grants. (default: true)

--recreate-views, --no-recreate-views#

Recreate dynamic views

--rebuild, --no-rebuild#

Rebuild all dynamic fields (caution: slow)

--lock-table, --no-lock-table#

Allow table to be locked (eg. while creating missing indexes)