ODC Configuration#

The Open Data Cube uses configuration files and/or environment variables to determine how to connect to databases.

Further functionality may be controlled by configuration in future releases. (e.g. AWS/S3 access configuration, rasterio configuration, etc.)


When you first start a session with the Open Data Cube, you instantiate a Datacube object:

from datacube import Datacube

dc = Datacube()

If you have access to many Open Data Cube databases, you may need to use several at once, e.g. to compare the contents of dev and prod databases, or to combine data managed by different organisations. In this scenario, you instantiate a separate Datacube object per environment:

from datacube import Datacube

dc_prod = Datacube(env="prod")
dc_dev  = Datacube(env="dev")

Environments can be read from a configuration file (e.g. an INI or YAML format file at ~/.datacube.conf) that looks something like this:

# This is a YAML file and the # symbol marks comments
   # The 'default' environment is used if no environment is specified.
   # It is often convenient to define it as an alias to another environment
   alias: prod

# You might have to copy configuration for system-wide environments from your system
# configuration file.  (Probably at /etc/defaults/datacube.conf or /etc/datacube.conf)
   # Production DB uses the legacy ODC index schema.
   index_driver: postgres
   # db_url is the easiest way to specify connection details
   db_url: postgresql://user:passwd@server.domain:5555/production_db
   db_connection_timeout: 30

   alias: prod

   # Dev use the new PostGIS-based ODC index schema.
   index_driver: postgis
   db_url: postgresql://user:passwd@internal.server.domain:5555/development_db
   db_connection_timeout: 120

   alias: dev

   index_driver: postgis
   # Use OS ident authentication over a local named pipe.
   db_url: postgresql:///private

You can also inject new environments dynamically with environment variables, e.g.:

import os
from datacube import Datacube
os.environ["ODC_PRIVATE_INDEX_DRIVER"] = "postgis"
os.environ["ODC_PRIVATE_DB_URL"] = "postgresql:///private"

dc_private = Datacube(env="private")

Full details, including all recognised configuration options and defaults, is documented below.

Configuration Files#


Configuration files may be provided in either INI or YAML format. YAML is preferred for consistency with ODC metadata files. INI files can only support one level of nesting, which is sufficient for current functionality - INI format may be deprecated for configuration files in future releases if deeper nesting of configuration becomes desirable for future functionality.

INI format configuration files are parsed with the Python standard library configparser module. Features supplied by that library are supported in ODC for INI format configuration files only. (e.g. a DEFAULT section whose options are applied to all other sections unless over-ridden, and interpolation.) Refer to the configparser documentation in the Python standard library for more information.

Configuration Environments#

A valid configuration file consists of one or more named environment definition sections.

Environment names must start with a lowercase letter and can only include lowercase letters and digits. (This restriction it to support generic environment variable overrides, as discussed below.)

Listing 1 Full INI Configuration Example#
 ; Comments in INI files start with a semi-colon
 ; This config file defines two environments: 'main' and 'aux'.
 index_driver: default
 db_database: datacube
 db_hostname: server.domain.com
 db_username: cube
 db_password: this_is_a_big_secret

 index_driver: default
 db_database: mydb
 ; Leaving the hostname blank uses a local socket.
Listing 2 Full YAML Configuration Example#
 # Comments in YAML files start with a hash.
 # This config file defines two environments: 'main' and 'aux'.
   index_driver: default
   db_database: datacube
   db_hostname: server.domain.com
   db_username: cube
   db_password: this_is_a_big_secret

   index_driver: default
   db_database: mydb
   # Leaving the hostname blank uses a local socket.

Configuration Options#

All supported configuration options are described here. Configuration options are specified per-environment.


Cannot be used in conjunction with any other configuration option.

Normally an environment section in a configuration file defines a new environment. If the alias configuration option is used, the section instead defines an alias for an existing environment. If the alias option is present in a section, no other configuration options are permitted in that section.

; The default environment is an alias for the "main" section.
; The 'main' environment can be accessed as either 'main' or 'default'.
alias: main

 index_driver: default
 db_database: datacube
 db_hostname: server.domain.com
 db_username: cube
 db_password: this_is_a_big_secret

Defines which index driver should be used to access the database index for this environment.

The Open Data Cube currently supports 4 index drivers:

  • postgres Postgres index driver (aka default, legacy). This is the old-style index driver, fully compatible with datacube-1.8. This is the default value used if index_driver is not specified in the configuration.

    This index driver will not be available in datacube-2.0.

  • postgis Postgis index driver. This is the new-style eo3-only index driver with support for spatial indexes.

  • memory In-memory index driver. This index driver is currently compatible with the postgres driver, and stores all data temporarily in memory. No persistent database is used.

  • null Null index driver. If you are not using a database index at all, this might be an appropriate choice.

The null and memory index drivers take no further configuration. The remaining configuration options only apply to the postgres and postgis index drivers:


Only used for the ‘postgres’ and ‘postgis’ index drivers.

The database connection timeout, in seconds.

Connections in the connection pool that are idle for more than than the configured timeout are automatically closed.

Defaults to 60.


Only used for the ‘postgres’ and ‘postgis’ index drivers.

Database connection details can be specified in a single option with the db_url field. If a db_url is not provided, connection details can be specified with separate db_hostname, db_port, db_database, db_username, and db_password fields, as described below.

If a db_url is provided, it takes precedence over the separate connection detail options.

Listing 3 INI Example showing db_url#
index_driver: postgres
; Connect to database mydb on TCP port 5444 at server.domain, with username and password
db_url: postgresql://username:password@server.domain:5444/mydb
Listing 4 YAML Example showing db_url#
  # Connect to database mydb over local socket with OS authentication.
  db_url: postgresql:///mydb

Only used for the ‘postgres’ and ‘postgis’ index drivers.

Only used if :confval:`db_url` is not set.

The name of the database to connect to. Defaults to "datacube".


Only used for the ‘postgres’ and ‘postgis’ index drivers.

Only used if :confval:`db_url` is not set.

The hostname to connect to. May be set to an empty string, in which case a local socket is used. Defaults to "localhost" if not set at all.


Only used for the ‘postgres’ and ‘postgis’ index drivers.

Only used if :confval:`db_url` is not set.

The TCP port to connect to. Defaults to 5432. Not used when connecting over a local socket.


Only used for the ‘postgres’ and ‘postgis’ index drivers.

Only used if :confval:`db_url` is not set.

The username to use when connecting to the database. Defaults to the username of the logged-in user on UNIX-like systems.


Only used for the ‘postgres’ and ‘postgis’ index drivers.

Only used if db_url is not set.

The password to use when connecting to the database. Not used when connecting over a local socket.


Only used for the ‘postgres’ and ‘postgis’ index drivers.

A boolean flag to indicate that IAM style authentication should be used instead of the supplied password. (Recommended for cloud based database services like AWS RDS.)

Defaults to False.

Listing 5 Example showing db_iam_authentication#
index_driver: postgis
db_url: postgresql://user@server.domain:5432/main
; Use IAM authentication
db_iam_authentication: yes

index_driver: postgis
db_url: postgresql:///aux
db_iam_authentication: no

YAML is a typed format and INI is not. Not all YAML boolean keywords will be recognised when they occur in INI files. Using “yes” and “no” will work correctly for both formats.

For IAM authentication to work, you must use the standard boto $AWS_* environment variables to pass in your AWS identity and access key.


Only used for the ‘postgres’ and ‘postgis’ index drivers.

Only used when IAM authentication is activated.

How often (in seconds) a new IAM token should be generated.

Defaults to 600 (10 minutes).

Passing in Configuration#

There are a number of different approaches for passing configuration into an Open Data Cube session. They are described here in priority order.

1. Explicit configuration#

Configuration can be passed in explicitly, without ever reading from a configuration file on disk.

When explicit configuration is passed in, it takes precedence over configuration by environment variable.

1a. Via Python (str or dict)#

A valid configuration dictionary can be passed in directly to the Datacube constructor with the raw_config argument, without serialising to a string:

dc = Datacube(raw_config={
   "default": {
      "index_driver": "postgres",
      "db_url": "postgresql:///mydb"

The raw_config argument can also be passed config as a string, in either INI or YAML format:

dc = Datacube(raw_config="""
  # Connect to database mydb over local socket with OS authentication.
  db_url: postgresql:///mydb

1b. As a string, via the datacube CLI#

The contents of a configuration file can be passed into the datacube CLI via the -R or --raw-config command line option:

datacube --raw-config "default: {db_database: this_db}"

Output from a script that generates a configuration file dynamically can be passed in using a BASH backquote string:

datacube --raw-config "`config_file_generator --option blah`"

1c. As a string, via an Environment Variable#

If raw configuration has not been passed in explicitly via methods 1a. or 1b. above, then the contents of a configuration file can be written in full to the ODC_CONFIG environment variable:

$ ODC_CONFIG="default: {db_database: this_db}"
$ datacube check    # will use the this_db database

2. Selecting a Configuration File#

If explicit configuration has not been passed in, ODC attempts to find a configuration file.

Only one configuration file is read.

This is different to previous versions of the Open Data Cube, where multiple configuration files could be merged.

If your previous practice was to extend a shared system configuration file with a local user configuration file, then you will now need to take a copy of the system configuration file, add your extensions to your copy, and ensure that the Open Data Cube reads from your modified file.

2a. In Python#

In Python, the config argument can take a path to a config file:

dc = Datacube(config="/path/to/my/file.conf")

The config argument can also take a priority list of config paths. The first path in the list that can be read (i.e. exists and has read permissions) is read. If no configuration file can be found, a ConfigException is raised:

dc = Datacube(config=[

The config argument can also take a cfg.ODCConfig object. Refer to the API documentation for more information.

2b. Via the datacube CLI#

Configuration file paths can be passed using either the datacube -C or datacube --config` option.

The option can be specified multiple times, with paths being searched in order, and an error being raised if none can be read.

2c. Via an Environment Variable#


If config paths have not been passed in through methods 2a. or 2b. above, then they can be read from the ODC_CONFIG_PATH` environment variable, in a UNIX Path-style colon separated list:


2d. Default Search Paths#

If config file paths have not passed in through any of the above 2a. through 2c., then the Open Data Cube checks the following paths in order, with the first readable file found being read:

  1. ./datacube.conf (in the current working directory)

  2. ~/.datacube.conf (in the user’s home directory)

  3. /etc/default/datacube.conf

  4. /etc/datacube.conf`

If none of the above exist then a basic default configuration is used, equivalent to:

   db_hostname: ''
   db_database: datacube
   index_driver: default
   db_connection_timeout: 60


Note This default config is only used after exhausting the default search path. If you have provided your own search path via any of the above methods and none of the paths exist, then an error is raised.

3. The Active Environment#

3a. Specifying in Python#

The active environment can be selected in Python with the env argument to the Datacube constructor.

If you wish to work with multiple environments simultaneously, you can create one :py:class`Datacube` object for each environment of interest and use them side by side:

dc_main    = Datacube(env="main")
dc_aux     = Datacube(env="aux")
dc_private = Datacube(env="private")

3b. Specifying in the CLI#

The active environment can be selected in Python with the -E or --env option to the datacube CLI tool.

CLI commands that require more than one environment will have a second option for the second argument. Refer to the --help text for more information.

3c. Via an Environment Variable#


If not explicitly specified via methods 3a. and 3b. above, the active environment can be specified with the $ODC_ENVIRONMENT environment variable.

3d. Default Environment#

If not specified by any of the methods 3a. to 3d. above, the default environment is used. If no default environment is known, an error is raised. It is strongly recommended that a default environment be defined in all configuration files - either explicitly, or as an alias to an explicitly defined environment.

If no environment named default is known, but one named datacube IS known, the datacube environment is used and a deprecation warning issued. datacube will be dropped as a legacy default environment name in a future release.

4. Generic Environment Variable Overrides#

Configuration values in config files can be over-ridden by setting the appropriate environment variable.

The name of overriding environment variables are all upper-case and structured:

$ODC_{environment name}_{option name}

E.g. to override the db_password field in the main environment, set the $ODC_MAIN_DB_PASSWORD environment variable.

Environment variables overrides are NOT applied to environments defined in configuration that was passed in explicitly as a string or dictionary.

4a. Dynamic Environments#

It is possible for environments to be defined dynamically purely in environment variables.

E.g. given the following active configuration file:

and the following defined environment variables:

You can request the “aux” environment and it’s configuration will be dynamically read from the environment variables, even though it is not mentioned in the configuration file at all.


  1. Environment variables are read when configuration is first read from that environment (i.e. when first connecting to the database.)

  2. As all configuration options have default values, it is no longer possible to get an error by requesting an environment that does not exist. Instead, an all-defaults environment with the requested name will be dynamically created. The only exception is when a specific environment is not requested. In this case, the default environment is only used if it is either defined in the active configuration file or has previously been explicitly requested from the same ODCConfig object.

  3. Although environment variable overrides are bypassed for configured environments by passing in explicit configuration, reading from environment variables to dynamically create new environments is still supported.

4b. Environment Variable Overrides and Environment Aliases#

To avoid troublesome and unpredictable corner cases, aliases can only be defined in raw configuration or in config files - they cannot be defined through environment variables.

i.e. defining ODC_ENV2_ALIAS=env1 does NOT create an env2 alias to the env1 environment.

A configuration file may define an environment which is an alias to an environment that is to be loaded dynamically and is NOT defined in the configuration file.

Aliases (created in raw config or a config file) ARE honoured when interpreting environment variables.

E.g. Given config file:

The “main” environment url can be over-ridden with ANY of the following environment variables:

The environment variable using the canonical environment name ($ODC_MAIN_DB_URL in this case) always takes precedence if it set. If more than one alias environment name is used (e.g. if both $ODC_DEFAULT_DB_URL AND $ODC_COMMON_DB_URL exist) then only one will be read and the implementation makes no guarantees about which. Therefore canonical environment names are strongly recommended for environment variable names where possible.

4c. Deprecated Legacy Environment Variables#

Some legacy environment variable names are also read for backwards compatibility reasons, however they may not work as expected where more than one ODC environment is in use and will generate a deprecation warning if they are read from. The preferred new environment variable name will be included in the text of the deprecation warning.

Most notably the old database connection environment variables:

are strongly deprecated as they will be applied to ALL environments, which is probably not what you intended.

The new preferred configuration environment variable names all begin with ODC_

Migrating from datacube-1.8#

The new configuration engine introduced in datacube-1.9 is not fully backwards compatible with that used previously. This section notes the changes which administrators and maintainers should be aware of before upgrading.

Merging multiple config files#

Previously, multiple config files could be read simultaneously and merged with “higher priority” files being read later, and overriding the contents of “lower priority” files.

This is no longer supported. Only one configuration file is read.

Where users previously created a local personal configuration file that supplemented a global system configuration file, they should now make a copy of the global system configuration file, edit it with their own personal extensions, and ensure that it is read in preference to the global file - or choose one of the other methods for passing in configuration.

The special “user” section is also no longer supported as it doesn’t make sense without merging of multiple config files.

Legacy Environment Variables#

Legacy environment variables are deprecated, but still read to assist with migration. In all cases there is a new preferred environment variable, as listed in the table below.

Legacy Environment Variable

New Environment Variable(s)




Behaviour is slightly different, mostly due to only reading a single file.



These legacy environment variables apply to ALL environments - which is probably not what you want.













datacube-1.8 used this legacy environment variable fairly inconsistently. There are several corner cases where it is now read where it was not previously.

The auto_config() function#

There used to be an undocumented auto_config() function (also available through python -m datacube) that read in the configuration (from multiple files and environment variables) and wrote it out as a single consolidated configuration file.

As the new configuration engine is more clearly documented and more predictable in its behaviour, this functionality is no longer required.