Source code for datacube.model

# This file is part of the Open Data Cube, see for more information
# Copyright (c) 2015-2023 ODC Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Core classes used across modules.

import logging
import math
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from uuid import UUID

from affine import Affine
from typing import Optional, List, Mapping, Any, Dict, Tuple, Iterator, Iterable, Union

from urllib.parse import urlparse
from datacube.utils import geometry, without_lineage_sources, parse_time, cached_property, uri_to_local_path, \
    schema_validated, DocReader
from datacube.index.eo3 import is_doc_eo3
from .fields import Field, get_dataset_fields
from ._base import Range, ranges_overlap  # noqa: F401
from .eo3 import validate_eo3_compatible_type

from deprecat import deprecat

_LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEFAULT_SPATIAL_DIMS = ('y', 'x')  # Used when product lacks grid_spec

SCHEMA_PATH = Path(__file__).parent / 'schema'

# TODO: Multi-dimension code is has incomplete type hints and significant type issues that will require attention

[docs]class Dataset: """ A Dataset. A container of metadata, and refers typically to a multi-band raster on disk. Most important parts are the metadata_doc and uri. :param metadata_doc: the document (typically a parsed json/yaml) :param uris: All active uris for the dataset """ def __init__(self, product: "Product", metadata_doc: Dict[str, Any], uris: Optional[List[str]] = None, sources: Optional[Mapping[str, 'Dataset']] = None, indexed_by: Optional[str] = None, indexed_time: Optional[datetime] = None, archived_time: Optional[datetime] = None): assert isinstance(product, Product) self.product = product #: The document describing the dataset as a dictionary. It is often serialised as YAML on disk #: or inside a NetCDF file, and as JSON-B inside the database index. self.metadata_doc = metadata_doc #: Active URIs in order from newest to oldest self.uris = uris #: The datasets that this dataset is derived from (if requested on load). self.sources = sources if self.sources is not None: assert set(self.metadata.sources.keys()) == set(self.sources.keys()) #: The User who indexed this dataset self.indexed_by = indexed_by self.indexed_time = indexed_time # When the dataset was archived. Null it not archived. self.archived_time = archived_time @property def type(self) -> "Product": # For compatibility return self.product @property def is_eo3(self) -> bool: return is_doc_eo3(self.metadata_doc) @property def metadata_type(self) -> 'MetadataType': return self.product.metadata_type @property def local_uri(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The latest local file uri, if any. """ if self.uris is None: return None local_uris = [uri for uri in self.uris if uri.startswith('file:')] if local_uris: return local_uris[0] return None @property def local_path(self) -> Optional[Path]: """ A path to this dataset on the local filesystem (if available). """ return uri_to_local_path(self.local_uri) @property def id(self) -> UUID: """ UUID of a dataset """ # This is a string in a raw document. return UUID( @property def managed(self) -> bool: return self.product.managed @property def format(self) -> str: return self.metadata.format @property def uri_scheme(self) -> str: if self.uris is None or len(self.uris) == 0: return '' url = urlparse(self.uris[0]) if url.scheme == '': return 'file' return url.scheme @property def measurements(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: # It's an optional field in documents. # Dictionary of key -> measurement descriptor metadata = self.metadata if not hasattr(metadata, 'measurements'): return {} return metadata.measurements @cached_property def center_time(self) -> Optional[datetime]: """ mid-point of time range """ time = self.time if time is None: return None return time.begin + (time.end - time.begin) // 2 @property def time(self) -> Optional[Range]: try: time = self.metadata.time return Range(parse_time(time.begin), parse_time(time.end)) except AttributeError: return None @cached_property def key_time(self): """ :rtype: datetime.datetime """ if 'key_time' in self.metadata.fields: return self.metadata.key_time # Existing datasets are already using the computed "center_time" for their storage index key # if 'center_time' in self.metadata.fields: # return self.metadata.center_time return self.center_time @property def bounds(self) -> Optional[geometry.BoundingBox]: """ :returns: bounding box of the dataset in the native crs """ gs = self._gs if gs is None: return None bounds = gs['geo_ref_points'] return geometry.BoundingBox(left=min(bounds['ur']['x'], bounds['ll']['x']), right=max(bounds['ur']['x'], bounds['ll']['x']), top=max(bounds['ur']['y'], bounds['ll']['y']), bottom=min(bounds['ur']['y'], bounds['ll']['y'])) @property def transform(self) -> Optional[Affine]: geo = self._gs if geo is None: return None bounds = geo.get('geo_ref_points') if bounds is None: return None return Affine(bounds['lr']['x'] - bounds['ul']['x'], 0, bounds['ul']['x'], 0, bounds['lr']['y'] - bounds['ul']['y'], bounds['ul']['y']) @property def is_archived(self) -> bool: """ Is this dataset archived? (an archived dataset is one that is not intended to be used by users anymore: eg. it has been replaced by another dataset. It will not show up in search results, but still exists in the system via provenance chains or through id lookup.) """ return self.archived_time is not None @property def is_active(self) -> bool: """ Is this dataset active? (ie. dataset hasn't been archived) """ return not self.is_archived @property def _gs(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: try: return self.metadata.grid_spatial except AttributeError: return None @property def crs(self) -> Optional[geometry.CRS]: """ Return CRS if available """ projection = self._gs if not projection: return None crs = projection.get('spatial_reference', None) if crs: return geometry.CRS(str(crs)) return None @cached_property def extent(self) -> Optional[geometry.Geometry]: """ :returns: valid extent of the dataset or None """ def xytuple(obj): return obj['x'], obj['y'] # If no projection or crs, they have no extent. projection = self._gs if not projection: return None crs = if not crs: _LOG.debug("No CRS, assuming no extent (dataset %s)", return None valid_data = projection.get('valid_data') geo_ref_points = projection.get('geo_ref_points') if valid_data: return geometry.Geometry(valid_data, crs=crs) elif geo_ref_points: return geometry.polygon([xytuple(geo_ref_points[key]) for key in ('ll', 'ul', 'ur', 'lr', 'll')], crs=crs) return None def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if isinstance(other, Dataset): return == return False def __hash__(self): return hash( def __str__(self): str_loc = 'not available' if not self.uris else self.uris[0] return "Dataset <id={id} product={type} location={loc}>".format(,, loc=str_loc) def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__() @property def metadata(self) -> DocReader: return self.metadata_type.dataset_reader(self.metadata_doc)
[docs] def metadata_doc_without_lineage(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Return metadata document without nested lineage datasets """ return without_lineage_sources(self.metadata_doc, self.metadata_type)
[docs]class Measurement(dict): """ Describes a single data variable of a Product or Dataset. Must include, which can be used when loading and interpreting data: - name - dtype - eg: int8, int16, float32 - nodata - What value represent No Data - units Attributes can be accessed using ``dict []`` syntax. Can also include attributes like alternative names 'aliases', and spectral and bit flags definitions to aid with interpreting the data. """ REQUIRED_KEYS = ('name', 'dtype', 'nodata', 'units') OPTIONAL_KEYS = ('aliases', 'spectral_definition', 'flags_definition', 'scale_factor', 'add_offset', 'extra_dim') ATTR_SKIP = set(['name', 'dtype', 'aliases', 'resampling_method', 'fuser', 'extra_dim', 'extra_dim_index']) def __init__(self, canonical_name=None, **kwargs): missing_keys = set(self.REQUIRED_KEYS) - set(kwargs) if missing_keys: raise ValueError("Measurement required keys missing: {}".format(missing_keys)) self.canonical_name = canonical_name or kwargs.get('name') super().__init__(**kwargs) def __getattr__(self, key: str) -> Any: """ Allow access to items as attributes. """ v = self.get(key, self) if v is self: raise AttributeError("'Measurement' object has no attribute '{}'".format(key)) return v def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Measurement({})".format(super(Measurement, self).__repr__())
[docs] def copy(self) -> 'Measurement': """Required as the super class `dict` method returns a `dict` and does not preserve Measurement class""" return Measurement(**self)
[docs] def dataarray_attrs(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """This returns attributes filtered for display in a dataarray.""" return {key: value for key, value in self.items() if key not in self.ATTR_SKIP}
[docs]@schema_validated(SCHEMA_PATH / 'metadata-type-schema.yaml') class MetadataType: """Metadata Type definition""" def __init__(self, definition: Mapping[str, Any], dataset_search_fields: Optional[Mapping[str, Field]] = None, id_: Optional[int] = None): if dataset_search_fields is None: dataset_search_fields = get_dataset_fields(definition) self.definition = definition self.dataset_fields = dataset_search_fields = id_ @property def name(self) -> str: return self.definition.get('name', None) @property def description(self) -> str: return self.definition.get('description', None) def dataset_reader(self, dataset_doc: Mapping[str, Field]) -> DocReader: return DocReader(self.definition['dataset'], self.dataset_fields, dataset_doc) @classmethod def validate_eo3(cls, doc): cls.validate(doc) validate_eo3_compatible_type(doc) def __str__(self) -> str: return "MetadataType(name={name!r}, id_={id!r})".format(, def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self)
@schema_validated(SCHEMA_PATH / 'dataset-type-schema.yaml') class Product: """ Product definition :param MetadataType metadata_type: :param dict definition: """ def __init__(self, metadata_type: MetadataType, definition: Mapping[str, Any], id_: Optional[int] = None): assert isinstance(metadata_type, MetadataType) = id_ self.metadata_type = metadata_type #: product definition document self.definition = definition self._extra_dimensions: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None self._canonical_measurements: Optional[Mapping[str, Measurement]] = None self._all_measurements: Optional[Dict[str, Measurement]] = None self._load_hints: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None def _resolve_aliases(self): if self._all_measurements is not None: return self._all_measurements mm = self.measurements oo = {} for m in mm.values(): oo[] = m for alias in m.get('aliases', []): # TODO: check for duplicates # if alias is in oo already -- bad m_alias = dict(**m) m_alias.update(name=alias, oo[alias] = Measurement(**m_alias) self._all_measurements = oo return self._all_measurements @property def name(self) -> str: return self.definition['name'] @property def description(self) -> str: return self.definition.get("description", None) @property def license(self) -> str: return self.definition.get("license", None) @property @deprecat(reason="Ingestion has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version.", version="1.8.14") def managed(self) -> bool: return self.definition.get('managed', False) @property def metadata_doc(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: return self.definition['metadata'] @property def metadata(self) -> DocReader: return self.metadata_type.dataset_reader(self.metadata_doc) @property def fields(self): return self.metadata_type.dataset_reader(self.metadata_doc).fields @property def measurements(self) -> Mapping[str, Measurement]: """ Dictionary of measurements in this product """ # from copy import deepcopy if self._canonical_measurements is None: def fix_nodata(m): nodata = m.get('nodata', None) if isinstance(nodata, str): m = dict(**m) m['nodata'] = float(nodata) return m self._canonical_measurements = OrderedDict((m['name'], Measurement(**fix_nodata(m))) for m in self.definition.get('measurements', [])) return self._canonical_measurements @property def dimensions(self) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """ List of dimension labels for data in this product """ if self.grid_spec is not None: spatial_dims = self.grid_spec.dimensions else: spatial_dims = DEFAULT_SPATIAL_DIMS return ('time',) + spatial_dims @property def extra_dimensions(self) -> "ExtraDimensions": """ Dictionary of metadata for the third dimension. """ if self._extra_dimensions is None: self._extra_dimensions = OrderedDict((d['name'], d) for d in self.definition.get('extra_dimensions', [])) return ExtraDimensions(self._extra_dimensions) @cached_property def grid_spec(self) -> Optional['GridSpec']: """ Grid specification for this product """ storage = self.definition.get('storage') if storage is None: return None crs = storage.get('crs') if crs is None: return None crs = geometry.CRS(str(crs).strip()) def extract_point(name): xx = storage.get(name, None) return None if xx is None else tuple(xx[dim] for dim in crs.dimensions) gs_params = {name: extract_point(name) for name in ('tile_size', 'resolution', 'origin')} complete = all(gs_params[k] is not None for k in ('tile_size', 'resolution')) if not complete: return None return GridSpec(crs=crs, **gs_params) @staticmethod def validate_extra_dims(definition: Mapping[str, Any]): """Validate 3D metadata in the product definition. Perform some basic checks for validity of the 3D dataset product definition: - Checks extra_dimensions section exists - For each 3D measurement, check if the required dimension is defined - If the 3D spectral_definition is defined: - Check there's one entry per coordinate. - Check that wavelength and response are the same length. :param definition: Dimension definition dict, typically retrieved from the product definition's `extra_dimensions` field. """ # Dict of extra dimensions names and values in the product definition defined_extra_dimensions = OrderedDict( (d.get("name"), d.get("values")) for d in definition.get("extra_dimensions", []) ) for m in definition.get('measurements', []): # Skip if not a 3D measurement if 'extra_dim' not in m: continue # Found 3D measurement, check if extra_dimension is defined. if (len(defined_extra_dimensions) == 0): raise ValueError( "extra_dimensions is not defined. 3D measurements require extra_dimensions " "to be defined for the dimension" ) dim_name = m.get('extra_dim') # Check extra dimension is defined if dim_name not in defined_extra_dimensions: raise ValueError(f"Dimension {dim_name} is not defined in extra_dimensions") if 'spectral_definition' in m: spectral_definitions = m.get('spectral_definition', []) # Check spectral_definition of expected length if len(defined_extra_dimensions[dim_name]) != len(spectral_definitions): raise ValueError( f"spectral_definition should be the same length as values for extra_dim {m.get('extra_dim')}" ) # Check each spectral_definition has the same length for wavelength and response if both exists for idx, spectral_definition in enumerate(spectral_definitions): if 'wavelength' in spectral_definition and 'response' in spectral_definition: if len(spectral_definition.get('wavelength')) != len(spectral_definition.get('response')): raise ValueError( f"spectral_definition_map: wavelength should be the same length as response " f"in the product definition for spectral definition at index {idx}." ) def canonical_measurement(self, measurement: str) -> str: """ resolve measurement alias into canonical name """ m = self._resolve_aliases().get(measurement, None) if m is None: raise ValueError(f"No such band/alias {measurement}") return m.canonical_name def lookup_measurements( self, measurements: Optional[Union[Iterable[str], str]] = None ) -> Mapping[str, Measurement]: """ Find measurements by name :param measurements: list of measurement names or a single measurement name, or None to get all """ if measurements is None: return self.measurements if isinstance(measurements, str): measurements = [measurements] mm = self._resolve_aliases() return OrderedDict((m, mm[m]) for m in measurements) def _extract_load_hints(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: _load = self.definition.get('load') if _load is None: # Check for partial "storage" definition storage = self.definition.get('storage', {}) if 'crs' in storage and 'resolution' in storage: if 'tile_size' in storage: # Fully defined GridSpec, ignore it return None # TODO: warn user to use `load:` instead of `storage:`?? _load = storage else: return None crs = geometry.CRS(_load['crs']) def extract_point(name): xx = _load.get(name, None) return None if xx is None else tuple(xx[dim] for dim in crs.dimensions) params = {name: extract_point(name) for name in ('resolution', 'align')} params = {name: v for name, v in params.items() if v is not None} return dict(crs=crs, **params) @property def default_crs(self) -> Optional[geometry.CRS]: return self.load_hints().get('output_crs', None) @property def default_resolution(self) -> Optional[Tuple[float, float]]: return self.load_hints().get('resolution', None) @property def default_align(self) -> Optional[Tuple[float, float]]: return self.load_hints().get('align', None) def load_hints(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Returns dictionary with keys compatible with ``dc.load(..)`` named arguments: output_crs - CRS resolution - Tuple[float, float] align - Tuple[float, float] (if defined) Returns {} if load hints are not defined on this product, or defined with errors. """ if self._load_hints is not None: return self._load_hints hints = None try: hints = self._extract_load_hints() except Exception: pass if hints is None: self._load_hints = {} else: crs = hints.pop('crs') self._load_hints = dict(output_crs=crs, **hints) return self._load_hints def dataset_reader(self, dataset_doc): return self.metadata_type.dataset_reader(dataset_doc) def to_dict(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """ Convert to a dictionary representation of the available fields """ row = dict(**self.fields) row.update(,, license=self.license, description=self.description) if self.grid_spec is not None: row.update({ 'crs': str(, 'spatial_dimensions': self.grid_spec.dimensions, 'tile_size': self.grid_spec.tile_size, 'resolution': self.grid_spec.resolution, }) return row def __str__(self) -> str: return "Product(name={name!r}, id_={id!r})".format(, def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__() # Types are uniquely identifiable by name: def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if self is other: return True if self.__class__ != other.__class__: return False return == def __hash__(self): return hash( # Type alias for backwards compatibility DatasetType = Product @deprecat(reason="Ingestion has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version.", version="1.8.14") @schema_validated(SCHEMA_PATH / 'ingestor-config-type-schema.yaml') class IngestorConfig: """ Ingestor configuration definition """ pass
[docs]class GridSpec: """ Definition for a regular spatial grid >>> gs = GridSpec(crs=geometry.CRS('EPSG:4326'), tile_size=(1, 1), resolution=(-0.1, 0.1), origin=(-50.05, 139.95)) >>> gs.tile_resolution (10, 10) >>> list(gs.tiles(geometry.BoundingBox(140, -50, 141.5, -48.5))) [((0, 0), GeoBox(10, 10, Affine(0.1, 0.0, 139.95, 0.0, -0.1, -49.05), EPSG:4326)), ((1, 0), GeoBox(10, 10, Affine(0.1, 0.0, 140.95, 0.0, -0.1, -49.05), EPSG:4326)), ((0, 1), GeoBox(10, 10, Affine(0.1, 0.0, 139.95, 0.0, -0.1, -48.05), EPSG:4326)), ((1, 1), GeoBox(10, 10, Affine(0.1, 0.0, 140.95, 0.0, -0.1, -48.05), EPSG:4326))] :param geometry.CRS crs: Coordinate System used to define the grid :param [float,float] tile_size: (Y, X) size of each tile, in CRS units :param [float,float] resolution: (Y, X) size of each data point in the grid, in CRS units. Y will usually be negative. :param [float,float] origin: (Y, X) coordinates of a corner of the (0,0) tile in CRS units. default is (0.0, 0.0) """
[docs] def __init__(self, crs: geometry.CRS, tile_size: Tuple[float, float], resolution: Tuple[float, float], origin: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None): = crs self.tile_size = tile_size self.resolution = resolution self.origin = origin or (0.0, 0.0)
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, GridSpec): return False return ( == and self.tile_size == other.tile_size and self.resolution == other.resolution and self.origin == other.origin) @property def dimensions(self) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ List of dimension names of the grid spec """ return @property def alignment(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Pixel boundary alignment """ y, x = (orig % abs(res) for orig, res in zip(self.origin, self.resolution)) return (y, x) @property def tile_resolution(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Tile size in pixels in CRS dimension order (Usually y,x or lat,lon) """ y, x = (int(abs(ts / res)) for ts, res in zip(self.tile_size, self.resolution)) return (y, x)
[docs] def tile_coords(self, tile_index: Tuple[int, int]) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Coordinate of the top-left corner of the tile in (Y,X) order :param tile_index: in X,Y order """ def coord(index: int, resolution: float, size: float, origin: float) -> float: return (index + (1 if resolution < 0 < size else 0)) * size + origin y, x = (coord(index, res, size, origin) for index, res, size, origin in zip(tile_index[::-1], self.resolution, self.tile_size, self.origin)) return (y, x)
[docs] def tile_geobox(self, tile_index: Tuple[int, int]) -> geometry.GeoBox: """ Tile geobox. :param (int,int) tile_index: """ res_y, res_x = self.resolution y, x = self.tile_coords(tile_index) h, w = self.tile_resolution geobox = geometry.GeoBox(, affine=Affine(res_x, 0.0, x, 0.0, res_y, y), width=w, height=h) return geobox
[docs] def tiles(self, bounds: geometry.BoundingBox, geobox_cache: Optional[dict] = None) -> Iterator[Tuple[Tuple[int, int], geometry.GeoBox]]: """ Returns an iterator of tile_index, :py:class:`GeoBox` tuples across the grid and overlapping with the specified `bounds` rectangle. .. note:: Grid cells are referenced by coordinates `(x, y)`, which is the opposite to the usual CRS dimension order. :param BoundingBox bounds: Boundary coordinates of the required grid :param dict geobox_cache: Optional cache to re-use geoboxes instead of creating new one each time :return: iterator of grid cells with :py:class:`GeoBox` tiles """ def geobox(tile_index): if geobox_cache is None: return self.tile_geobox(tile_index) gbox = geobox_cache.get(tile_index) if gbox is None: gbox = self.tile_geobox(tile_index) geobox_cache[tile_index] = gbox return gbox tile_size_y, tile_size_x = self.tile_size tile_origin_y, tile_origin_x = self.origin for y in GridSpec.grid_range(bounds.bottom - tile_origin_y, - tile_origin_y, tile_size_y): for x in GridSpec.grid_range(bounds.left - tile_origin_x, bounds.right - tile_origin_x, tile_size_x): tile_index = (x, y) yield tile_index, geobox(tile_index)
[docs] def tiles_from_geopolygon(self, geopolygon: geometry.Geometry, tile_buffer: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, geobox_cache: Optional[dict] = None) -> Iterator[Tuple[Tuple[int, int], geometry.GeoBox]]: """ Returns an iterator of tile_index, :py:class:`GeoBox` tuples across the grid and overlapping with the specified `geopolygon`. .. note:: Grid cells are referenced by coordinates `(x, y)`, which is the opposite to the usual CRS dimension order. :param geometry.Geometry geopolygon: Polygon to tile :param tile_buffer: Optional <float,float> tuple, (extra padding for the query in native units of this GridSpec) :param dict geobox_cache: Optional cache to re-use geoboxes instead of creating new one each time :return: iterator of grid cells with :py:class:`GeoBox` tiles """ geopolygon = geopolygon.to_crs( bbox = geopolygon.boundingbox bbox = bbox.buffered(*tile_buffer) if tile_buffer else bbox for tile_index, tile_geobox in self.tiles(bbox, geobox_cache): tile_geobox = tile_geobox.buffered(*tile_buffer) if tile_buffer else tile_geobox if geometry.intersects(tile_geobox.extent, geopolygon): yield (tile_index, tile_geobox)
[docs] @staticmethod def grid_range(lower: float, upper: float, step: float) -> range: """ Returns the indices along a 1D scale. Used for producing 2D grid indices. >>> list(GridSpec.grid_range(-4.0, -1.0, 3.0)) [-2, -1] >>> list(GridSpec.grid_range(1.0, 4.0, -3.0)) [-2, -1] >>> list(GridSpec.grid_range(-3.0, 0.0, 3.0)) [-1] >>> list(GridSpec.grid_range(-2.0, 1.0, 3.0)) [-1, 0] >>> list(GridSpec.grid_range(-1.0, 2.0, 3.0)) [-1, 0] >>> list(GridSpec.grid_range(0.0, 3.0, 3.0)) [0] >>> list(GridSpec.grid_range(1.0, 4.0, 3.0)) [0, 1] """ if step < 0.0: lower, upper, step = -upper, -lower, -step assert step > 0.0 return range(int(math.floor(lower / step)), int(math.ceil(upper / step)))
def __str__(self) -> str: return "GridSpec(crs=%s, tile_size=%s, resolution=%s)" % (, self.tile_size, self.resolution) def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__()
def metadata_from_doc(doc: Mapping[str, Any]) -> MetadataType: """Construct MetadataType that is not tied to any particular db index. This is useful when there is a need to interpret dataset metadata documents according to metadata spec. """ from .fields import get_dataset_fields MetadataType.validate(doc) # type: ignore return MetadataType(doc, get_dataset_fields(doc)) class ExtraDimensions: """ Definition for the additional dimensions between (t) and (y, x) It allows the creation of a subsetted ExtraDimensions that contains slicing information relative to the original dimension coordinates. """ def __init__(self, extra_dim: Mapping[str, Any]): """Init function :param extra_dim: Dimension definition dict, typically retrieved from the product definition's `extra_dimensions` field. """ import xarray # Dict of information about each dimension self._dims = extra_dim # Dimension slices that results in this ExtraDimensions object self._dim_slice = { name: (0, len(dim['values'])) for name, dim in extra_dim.items() } # Coordinate information self._coords = { name: xarray.DataArray( data=dim['values'], coords={name: dim['values']}, dims=(name,), name=name, ).astype(dim['dtype']) for name, dim in extra_dim.items() } def has_empty_dim(self) -> bool: """Return True if ExtraDimensions has an empty dimension, otherwise False. :return: A boolean if ExtraDimensions has an empty dimension, otherwise False. """ for value in self._coords.values(): if value.shape[0] == 0: return True return False def __getitem__(self, dim_slices: Dict[str, Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]]) -> "ExtraDimensions": """Return a ExtraDimensions subsetted by dim_slices :param dim_slices: Dict of dimension slices to subset by. :return: An ExtraDimensions object subsetted by `dim_slices` """ # Check all dimensions specified in dim_slices exists unknown_keys = set(dim_slices.keys()) - set(self._dims.keys()) if unknown_keys: raise KeyError(f"Found unknown keys {unknown_keys} in dim_slices") from copy import deepcopy ed = ExtraDimensions(deepcopy(self._dims)) ed._dim_slice = self._dim_slice # Convert to integer index for dim_name, dim_slice in dim_slices.items(): dim_slices[dim_name] = self.coord_slice(dim_name, dim_slice) for dim_name, dim_slice in dim_slices.items(): # Adjust slices relative to original. if dim_name in ed._dim_slice: ed._dim_slice[dim_name] = ( # type: ignore[assignment] ed._dim_slice[dim_name][0] + dim_slice[0], # type: ignore[index] ed._dim_slice[dim_name][0] + dim_slice[1], # type: ignore[index] ) # Subset dimension values. if dim_name in ed._dims: ed._dims[dim_name]['values'] = ed._dims[dim_name]['values'][slice(*dim_slice)] # type: ignore[misc] # Subset dimension coordinates. if dim_name in ed._coords: slice_dict = {k: slice(*v) for k, v in dim_slices.items()} # type: ignore[misc] ed._coords[dim_name] = ed._coords[dim_name].isel(slice_dict) return ed @property def dims(self) -> Mapping[str, dict]: """Returns stored dimension information :return: A dict of information about each dimension """ return self._dims @property def dim_slice(self) -> Mapping[str, Tuple[int, int]]: """Returns dimension slice for this ExtraDimensions object :return: A dict of dimension slices that results in this ExtraDimensions object """ return self._dim_slice def measurements_values(self, dim: str) -> List[Any]: """Returns the dimension values after slicing :param dim: The name of the dimension :return: A list of dimension values for the requested dimension. """ if dim not in self._dims: raise ValueError(f"Dimension {dim} not found.") return self._dims[dim]['values'] def measurements_slice(self, dim: str) -> slice: """Returns the index for slicing on a dimension :param dim: The name of the dimension :return: A slice for the the requested dimension. """ dim_slice = self.measurements_index(dim) return slice(*dim_slice) def measurements_index(self, dim: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Returns the index for slicing on a dimension as a tuple. :param dim: The name of the dimension :return: A tuple for the the requested dimension. """ if dim not in self._dim_slice: raise ValueError(f"Dimension {dim} not found.") dim_slice = self._dim_slice[dim] return dim_slice def index_of(self, dim: str, value: Any) -> int: """Find index for value in the dimension dim :param dim: The name of the dimension :param value: The coordinate value. :return: The integer index of `value` """ if dim not in self._coords: raise ValueError(f"Dimension {dim} not found.") return self._coords[dim].searchsorted(value) def coord_slice(self, dim: str, coord_range: Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Returns the Integer index for a coordinate (min, max) range. :param dim: The name of the dimension :param coord_range: The coordinate range. :return: A tuple containing the integer indexes of `coord_range. """ # Convert to Tuple if it's an int or float if isinstance(coord_range, int) or isinstance(coord_range, float): coord_range = (coord_range, coord_range) start_index = self.index_of(dim, coord_range[0]) stop_index = self.index_of(dim, coord_range[1] + 1) return start_index, stop_index def chunk_size(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[str, ...], Tuple[int, ...]]: """Returns the names and shapes of dimenions in dimension order :return: A tuple containing the names and max sizes of each dimension """ names = () shapes = () if self.dims is not None: for dim in self.dims.values(): name = dim.get('name') names += (name,) # type: ignore[assignment] shapes += (len(self.measurements_values(name)),) # type: ignore[assignment,arg-type] return names, shapes def __str__(self) -> str: return ( f"ExtraDimensions(extra_dim={dict(self._dims)}, dim_slice={self._dim_slice} " f"coords={self._coords} " f")" ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__()