Windows Developer Setup#

Base OS: Windows 10

This guide will setup an ODC core development environment and includes:

  • Anaconda python using conda environments to isolate the odc development environment

  • installation of required software and useful developer manuals for those libraries

  • Postgres database installation with a local user configuration

  • Integration tests to confirm both successful development setup and for ongoing testing

  • Build configuration for local ODC documentation

Required software#


Download and install from here.

Python and packages#

Python 3.8+ is required.

Anaconda Python#

Install Anaconda Python

Add conda-forge to package channels:

conda config --add channels conda-forge

Conda Environments are recommended for use in isolating your ODC development environment from your system installation and other python evironments.

Install required python packages and create an odc conda environment.


conda create --name odc_env python=3.8 datacube

Activate odc python environment:

activate odc

Postgres database configuration#

This configuration supports local development using your login name.

Open Data Cube source and development configuration#

Download the latest version of the software from the repository

git clone
cd datacube-core

We need to specify the database user and password for the ODC integration testing. To do this:

copy integration_tests\integration.conf %HOME%\.datacube_integration.conf

Then edit the %HOME%\.datacube_integration.conf with a text editor and add the following lines replacing <foo> with your username and <foobar> with the database user password you set above (not the postgres one, your <foo> one):

db_hostname: localhost
db_database: pgintegration
index_driver: default
db_username: <foo>
db_password: <foobar>

db_hostname: localhost
db_database: pgisintegration
index_driver: postgis
db_username: <foo>
db_password: <foobar>

Verify it all works#

Run the integration tests:

cd datacube-core

Build the documentation:

cd datacube-core/docs
pip install -r requirements.txt
make html
open _build/html/index.html