Migrating from ODC 1.8.x to 1.9.x#

The last new major release of the Open Data Cube was v1.8.0 in May 2020, nearly 4 years ago.

ODC developers and the Steering Council have been working hard behind the scenes over the last couple of years to address some of the accumulated technical debt in datacube-core and prepare for new major releases.

The long-term plan includes a number of significant backwards-incompatible changes. An effort has been made to provide a smooth migration pathway wherever possible, with existing behaviour in 1.8.x versions being deprecated in 1.9.x, with alternatives being provided, then removing the deprecated behaviour in 2.0.x with the alternative approaches becoming the standard, but some minor backwards incompatible changes in 1.9.x were unavoidable.

This document describes the changes between 1.8.x and 1.9.x, with a particular focus on backwards incompatible changes and new features.

1.9 compatible releases of eo-datasets, explorer and OWS will be released at the same time as datacube-1.9.0. After the release of 1.9.0, focus will shift to updating secondary ODC libraries to work with ODC-1.9. (e.g. Statistician and Alchemist). We will continue to support and release 1.8.x versions after the release of 1.9.0, until the 1.9.x releases have stabilised and all secondary libraries are up to date.

Smaller ODC installations will probably prefer to stick with the 1.8.x releases for the time being, but if you can spare the resources we encourage you to set up a 1.9.x installation to test your existing code and systems against the new release, and open issues on github for any problems that you come up against, especially any that are not documented here.

Major Changes between 1.8.x and 1.9.x#

  1. Integration with odc-geo.

    The old datacube.utils.geometry library has been replaced by odc-geo.

    If you have already used odc-geo you will appreciate the additional power and flexibility that this brings to core. If you have not, please take the time to have a read through the odc-geo documentation and especially the migration notes. In particular, you should familiarise yourself with .odc accessor which odc-geo dynamically adds to all xarray DataArray and Dataset objects.

    Note that dc.load() now preferentially accepts odc-geo data types for passing GeoBox via the like parameter, as well as resolution and align values, although backwards compatible behaviour with the old types is available with a deprecation warning.

    The classes and methods in datacube.utils.geometry are still available, but raise a deprecation warning when used. Please migrate all code to use the equivalent methods and classes in odc-geo.

  2. A new configuration engine has replaced the configuration engine used previously.

    There are some backwards-incompatible changes as noted below, but most existing configuration files should continue to work as previously with minimal changes.

    The behaviour of the new configuration engine (and the reasoning behind the changes) is fully documented in ODC Configuration (Details).

    The reasoning behind the changes is described in ODC Enhancement Proposal 10

    1. Previously multiple config files could be read and merged to generate the final effective configuration file. From 1.9.0 only a single config file is ever read at a time (see Merging-multiple-config-files).

      Managed instances which have previously allowed user customisation by the user creating a minimal config file which was loaded merged on top of a default system configuration will have to migrate to a system whereby users take a copy of the default system configuration file and edit that copy for their needs.

    2. The “user” section no longer has a special meaning, as the old special meaning is redundant now that config files are not merged.

    3. Previously only the INI file format was supported for configuration files. The JSON and YAML formats are now also supported (see format).

    4. Previously configuration by Environment Variables was implemented in an inconsistent ad hoc way that resulted in complex interactions that were impossible to predict without intimate knowledge of the source code that implemented it.

      There is now a consistent and systematic approach taken to the interaction between the active configuration file and environment variables (see 4. Generic Environment Variable Overrides). Partial backwards compatibility is attempted, but full backwards compatibility is not possible due to the ad hoc nature of the previous implementation.

      The new (preferred) environment variable names are of the form $ODC_<env_name>_<item_name>.

    5. Tighter restrictions are applied to environment names. This is required to ensure consistent interaction between config files and environment variables. Environment names can now only contain alphanumeric characters. (Dashes and underscores must be removed).

    6. The preferred default environment name is now default. It is suggested that every config file should start with a “default” section that is an alias to an environment defined in full elsewhere in the file.

  3. The index driver API has been cleaned up and simplified, facilitating easier development of new index backends. This should be largely invisible to most users, although some more rarely used methods and/or arguments are now deprecated. The deprecation warnings provide specific migration advice for each case.

  4. A new PostGIS-based index backend is now available.

    The legacy Postgres index driver will continue to be supported in 1.9, but will be dropped in ODC-2.0.

    The Postgis index driver only supports EO3-compatible metadata types. Older EO-style metadata types should be migrated to EO3 before indexing into a Postgis driver index. We will try to provide tools to assist with this migration but they are not yet available in 1.9.0 and due to the arbitrary generality of pre-EO3 ODC metadata, such tools may not be possible in all cases. (The legacy postgres driver will continue to support non-EO3 metadata types until it is dropped in 2.0)

    The postgis driver supports the creation of PostGIS spatial indexes for arbitrary CRSes. This will improve efficiency and accuracy of database searches, particularly when working with data covering regions where conversions to/from EPSG:4326 lat/long coordinates are highly non-linear (e.g. the Pacific around the anti-meridian and the north and south polar regions).

    The postgis driver uses Alembic for managing schema migrations, so future changes to the postgis database schema will be much easier to roll out than in the past.

    See below for more information about migrating to the The New Postgis Index Driver.

    Note that many other libraries in the ODC ecosystem may not work well with the Postgis driver at first.

  5. New Lineage API (Postgis driver only)

    The postgis driver handles lineage very differently to the postgres driver: Lineage data is only loosely coupled to dataset metadata and a completely new API is introduced for working with lineages. It is now possible to store external lineage information - i.e. it is not necessary for both the source and derived dataset to exist in the index for the lineage relationship between them to be recorded in the database and powerful new data structures allow working with arbitrarily nested lineage trees in both the “source-wards” and “derived-wards” directions.

    A full description of the new lineage API can be found in ODC Enhancement Proposal 8

    The handling of lineage in the legacy postgres index driver has not changed - the postgres driver does NOT support the new lineage API.

  6. Support for multi-dimensional loading of hyperspectral datasets

    Use of this feature currently requires installing odc-loader.

    If odc-loader is installed, you may specify driver=’rio’ or driver=’zarr’ when loading to access the new hyperspectral loading and dask-chunking features.

  7. The long-deprecated “ingestion” workflow and “executor” API have both been removed.

  8. Multiple locations per dataset is now deprecated, and is not supported by the postgis index driver.

The New Postgis Index Driver#


The configuration for a postgis index looks the same as the configuration for a legacy postgres index, you simply set the index_driver setting to postgis:

    alias: prod

    index_driver: postgres
    db_hostname: production.dbs.internal
    db_database: odc_prod
    db_username: odc
    db_password: secret_and_secure

    index_driver: postgis
    db_hostname: dev.dbs.example.net
    db_database: odc_dev
    db_username: odc


You then initialise the database as previously, using system init command (-E new says to use the new environment from the configuration file):

datacube -E new system init

You should also create Postgis spatial indexes for any CRS you want to be able to search on (note that an EPSG:4326 spatial index is created by default). Postgis spatial indexes should be created before indexing any data where possible. Adding a new spatial index to a populated index will be very slow. For example to create a spatial index for EPSG:3577:

datacube -E new spindex create 3577

For more information, see Create Spatial Indexes (Postgis Driver Only).

Migrating (Cloning) Data From a Postgres Index#

To clone data from an old index to a new one (the two indexes may use different index drivers):

datacube -E new system clone old

Note that the target index is specified with the -E flag and the source index is provided as an argument to the system clone command.

Data that cannot be directly copied is skipped, e.g.:

  • Non-EO3 compatible data cannot be copied from a postgres index into a postgis index.

  • External lineage information cannot be copied from a postgis index to a postgres index.

The clone command supports the following options:

  • --skip-lineage If set, lineage data is not copied. Default is to NOT skip lineage (to attempt to copy lineage data)

  • --lineage-only If set, ONLY lineage data is copied.

  • --batch-size N Index cloning is batched for performance. This option specifies the number of records to write to the target database at a time. Default is 1000.