Microsoft Windows

Python 2.7 or Python 3.5 environment

1. Download and install a standard python release from . The AGDC supports versions 2.7 and 3.5.


If in a restricted environment with no local administrator access, python can be installed by running:

msiexec /a python-2.7.11.msi TARGETDIR=C:\Python27

Or by launching the version 3.5 installer and selecting not to install for all users (only single user install).

  1. Ensure pip is installed:

    cd C:\Python27
    python -m ensurepip
  2. Upgrade and Install python virtualenv:

    python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools virtualenv
  3. Create an AGDC virtualenv:

    mkdir C:\envs
    Scripts\virtualenv C:\envs\agdcv2


3.5 only workaround: Copy vcruntime140.dll from Python install dir into virtualenv `Scripts` folder.

  1. Activate virtualenv:


The python virtual environment isolates this python installation from other python installations (which may be in use for other application software) to prevent conflicts between different python module versions.

Python modules

On windows systems by default there are no ready configured compilers, and so libraries needed for some python modules must be obtained in precompiled (binary) form.

Download and install binary wheels from

You will need to download at least:

  • GDAL
  • rasterio
  • numpy
  • netCDF4
  • psycopg2
  • numexpr
  • scipy
  • pandas
  • matplotlib

The following may also be useful:

  • lxml
  • pyzmq
  • udunits2

Install these packages by running in your Downloads directory:

pip install *.whl


It may be necessary to manually replace *.whl with the full filenames for each .whl file (unless using a unix-like shell instead of the standard windows command line console).


For 3.5 only

If there are problems loading libraries. Try:

copy site-packages/matplotlib/msvcp140.dll site-packages/osgeo/

Also, install the python notebook interface for working with datacube example notebooks:

pip install jupyter

PostgreSQL Portable

An easy to install version of PostgreSQL can be downloaded from . It can install and run as an unprivileged windows user.

After installing, launch PostgreSQLPortable.exe (and place a shortcut in the windows Startup menu).

To prepare the database for first use, enter the following commands in the PostgrSQL Portable window, substituting “u12345” with your windows login user-ID:

create role u12345 superuser login;
create database datacube;

Datacube installation

Obtain a current copy of the datacube source code from GitHub. A simple way is to extract into a subdirectory of the python environment.

Install the datacube module by running:

cd agdc-v2-develop
python install

Extra instructions for installing Compliance Checker

pip install cf_units
  • Download and install udunits2 from gohlke
  • Edit site-packages/cf_units/etc/site.cfg with path to udunits2.dll which should be venv/share/udunits/udunits2.dll