AGDC Database Setup


You must have a properly configured Postgres installation for this to work. If you have a fresh install of Postgres on Ubuntu then you may want to configure the postgres user password to complete the postgres setup

Create Database

If you have existing Postgres authentication:

createdb datacube

or specify connection details manually:

createdb -h <hostname> -U <username> datacube


You can also delete the database by doing dropdb datacube. This step is not reversible.

Create Configuration File

Datacube looks for configuration file in ~/.datacube.conf:

db_database: datacube

# A blank host will use a local socket. Specify a hostname to use TCP.

# Credentials are optional: you might have other Postgres authentication configured.
# The default username otherwise is the current user id.
# db_username:
# db_password:

# Where to reach storage locations from the current machine.
#  -> Location names are arbitrary, but correspond to names used in the
#     storage type files.
#  -> We may eventually support remote protocols (http, S3, etc) to lazily fetch remote data.
eotiles: file:///short/public/democube/

Change eotiles to point to the location where the datacube should store the storage units. Note the URI syntax (file:// prefix is required).

See also Runtime Config

Create the Database Schema

datacube-config can create and populate the datacube schema (agdc):

datacube-config -v database init